Buy/Sell Aircraft

It is our goal to build upon the trust you developed in Alexandria Field when you learned to fly by providing you with support as you move toward the ownership of an aircraft.

Alexandria Aviation, Inc will assess your expressed flying needs and desires and then suggest aircraft to meet your wishes with a reality check that keeps safety and financial commitment as a priority.  In this age of the information highway too many new pilots get caught up in doing it themselves and then must suffer the consequences of making less than a good decision on their first aircraft.

We can provide you with:

– General list of aircraft that fulfill your specific requirements
– Specific list of aircraft that could meet your requirements
– Contact with the seller to confirm whether the aircraft is worth a look by reviewing the aircraft log books
– Pre-offer inspection by Stateline Aviation (N85 maintenance shop)
– Negotiation of price
– Pre-purchase inspection by Stateline Aviation (if needed at N85)

Additionally, Alexandria Aviation, Inc. can help put people together to determine if a partnership or club might meet your needs.

And when you are ready to move on to another aircraft Alexandria Aviation, Inc. can network for the sale of your old airplane and the upgrade in aircraft that suits your changing needs (bigger family, longer trips, more cargo space, better IFR equipment, etc.)

Also, opportunities for leaseback – call for more information.

On field have several good planes at good prices – stop in and take a look.

For Fee Options:

Contact: 908.730-9223

William Fritsche – Airport Owner/Operator, 50 years in the business

Corky and Linda Castner – Flight School connection

Brent Kowalenko –  Maintenance connection

Current on-field sales:

Currently there are several aircraft for sale on the field as well as several partnership shares.Contact:
Brent E. Kowalenko
Telephone: 908-735-4969
Fax: 908-735-4969